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Public Comments on the "Consultation Paper on the Review on Administration and Assignment of Internet Domain Names and Internet Protocol Addresses in Hong Kong"


Subject: Consultation Paper

Dear sir,

We have reviewed your documents on the administration and assignment of internet domain names and internet protocol addresses in Hong Kong.

Below is a list of recommendations for your kind consideration: -

1) Domain modification
We consider the present authorization method for domain name modification insecure and time-consuming (10 working days): -

a) We suggest HKNIC or the proposed policy-making and administrative body to consider the practice of www.register.com or www.directnic.com where domain owners could logon and change their domain information online.

b) To make way for ISP's and webhosts to administer their customers' domain modification, there should be some sort of business partnership (as in Network Solutions) where the present way of sending template emails and email authorization should continue with ISP's and webhosts. However, we suggest HKNIC or the proposed policy-making and administrative body to tighten up the authorization method.

2) Contact
Presently, ISP's and webhosts do not have access to HKNIC (other than email), let alone the general public.

a) We suggest with the business partnership program, HKNIC or the proposed policy-making and administrative body should have account specialists which allow ISP's and webhosts to discuss special domain registration and modification issues.

We hope the recommendations above are helpful. Should you need further discussion and clarifications from us, please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards,
Joyce Tang,
Domain Fighter
Helix Web Hosting