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Digital Policy Office : Points to Note for Downloading Tender Documents

1. Company representatives who download the tender documents are required to register by duly completing the following Registration Form for record and communication (if necessary) purposes.

2. Please make sure that all information provided is accurate and complete. This Office will not be responsible for any failure of Communication or correspondence due to inaccurate/incomplete information provided.

3. Personal data provided in the Registration Form will be used for notifying registered individuals of supplementary information or amendment, if any, in connection with this tender. It may be disclosed to authorised persons of bureaux/departments in processing the information related to the aforesaid purpose. You have the rights of access and correction with respect to your personal data provided in this Registration Form. Such request may be made in writing to this Office by fax on (852) 2519 7320 or e-mail to gcis_paas_admin@digitalpolicy.gov.hk.

Intend to Submit Tender?
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(Please provide country/area codes if outside Hong Kong)
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