Digital Infrastructure
Digital Infrastructure

E-mail Notification of Government IT Open Tenders

The Government of the HKSAR is committed to stimulate the development of the IT industry locally. To this end, we will facilitate the bidding of Government IT open tenders by notifying interested parties of the latest tendering information through e-mail.

The service is free of charge and the e-mail notification is normally issued on a weekly basis. Companies wishing to be included in our mail list may enter their e-mail address(es) below. Your submission of e-mail address(es) to us implies that you understand and accept the Terms and Conditions as well as the Disclaimer as show below.

E-mail Address 1:*

E-mail Address 2:

E-mail Address 3:

E-mail Address 4:

E-mail Address 5:

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The above * fields are mandatory.

Terms and Conditions

1. IMPORTANT: This is NOT a tender invitation. If you are interested in the tenders mentioned in our e-mail, you should contact the responsible bureau / department for tender documents and related details. If you want to receive invitations to tender for the category(ies) of materials or services arranged by the Government Logistics Department (GLD) automatically, you are advised to register under the GLD web site (https://www.gld.gov.hk/en/our-services/procurement/supplier-application/).

2. If our notification fails to reach you for 3 consecutive times due to e-mail address errors or other system problems, we will remove your e-mail record from the Scheme without further notice.


1. While the Government of the HKSAR endeavours to ensure that the notification disseminated is correct, no warranty or guarantee is given to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness and usefulness of the content disseminated. The Government of the HKSAR accepts no liability for any loss and damages arising from or related to the use of the information.

2. This E-mail notification cannot be taken as an official channel to get information on Government IT open tenders. You are encouraged to obtain the details of tenders in the following channels.

Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)

Any personal data provided in this form will only be used for the purposes of sending you E-mail notification on Government IT open tenders and compiling statistics on this service. You have rights of access and correction with respect to your personal data held by us. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact the Digital Policy Office (e-mail: enquiry@digitalpolicy.gov.hk).