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Contact List of Information Technology Management Unit

B/Ds Name Title Tel. No. E-mail
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Mr WAI Mau Tat, Francis Sr Systems Mgr 2150 7049 francis_mt_wai@afcd.gov.hk
Architectural Services Department Mr Travis LAW Hau-tim Senior Building Services Engineer/TI 2867 4036 lawht@archsd.gov.hk
Mr Daniel WONG Chun-kit Senior Electronic Engineer/IT 2867 4028 wongckd2@archsd.gov.hk
Mr Gary POON Man-tung Systems Manager/IT 2867 5564 poonmtg@archsd.gov.hk
Mr Calvin LEE Systems Manager (CSS)133 / Digital Policy Office 2773 2396 wklee@digitalpolicy.gov.hk
Audit Commission CHAN Sing-how, Allan Auditor (Technical) (3) 2867 3382 ashchan@aud.gov.hk
Buildings Department Mr KAN Chun-kin, Peter Systems Mgr 1 3842 3512 pckkan@bd.gov.hk
Census and Statistics Department Ms HUNG King-chi, Kaisy Sr Statistician (ITS) 2582 4701 kkchung@censtatd.gov.hk
Mr TSANG Tat-shing Sr Statistician (SPS) 2582 3019 tstsang@censtatd.gov.hk
Mr LIN Kwok-leung, Jimmy Sr Statistician (SID) 2582 5025 jkllin@censtatd.gov.hk
Dr LAM Yu-hang, Wallace Sr Systems Mgr (CSS) 3705 2804 wyhlam@censtatd.gov.hk
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office (Administration Wing) Mr HO Cho Mong, Jovi Sr Systems Mgr 2810 3983 jovi_ho@cso.gov.hk
Civil Aviation Department Mr George TY Wong Chief Electronics Engineer (Projects) 2910 6505 gtywong@cad.gov.hk
Mr Charles CW Leung Senior Electronics Engineer (TS)5 2910 6527 ccwleung@cad.gov.hk
Mr Brian KM Cheung ITM(1) 2910 6535 bkmcheung@cad.gov.hk
Civil Engineering and Development Department Mr CHEUNG Tak Fai, Herrick Systems Mgr/ITI 2762 5320 herrickcheung@cedd.gov.hk
Civil Service Bureau Ms WAN Sau Ping, Louisa Sr Systems Mgr 2810 2742 louisa_sp_wan@csb.gov.hk
Mr YU Wai Leung Systems Mgr 2 2810 2402 wl_yu@csb.gov.hk
Mr YUEN Ying Chui, Steve Systems Mgr 3 2810 2404 steve_yc_yuen@csb.gov.hk
Companies Registry Mr SIT Wai Man, Raymond Sr Systems Mgr (2) 2867 4558 raymondsit@cr.gov.hk
Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau Mr Eric TM POON SM(Constitutional and Mainland Affairs) 2810 2597 etmpoon@cmab.gov.hk
Ms LAM Ly Pang, Winnie CPM(Constitutional and Mainland Affairs) 2594 7499 wlplam@cmab.gov.hk
Correctional Services Department Mr CHOW Siu-kui, Lawrence Sr Systems Mgr (SD) 2582 5518 chow_lawrence_sk@csd.gov.hk
Customs and Excise Department Ms YOUNG Bo Hing, Harriet Sr Systems Mgr (ITM1) 3759 3438 harriet_bh_young@customs.gov.hk
Mr CHAN Yin Sum, Sam Sr Systems Mgr (ITM2) 3759 3383 sam_ys_chan@customs.gov.hk
Department of Health Mr WOO Chi Yin, Jimmy Ch Systems Mgr (Health Informatics and Technology Office) 2152 3970 jimmy_cy_woo@dh.gov.hk
Mr YEE Chi Wai Sr Systems Mgr (Health Informatics and Technology Office)1 2961 8708 cw_yee@dh.gov.hk
Mr YEUNG Chi Ko, Jason Sr Systems Mgr (Health Informatics and Technology Office)2 2125 2105 jason_ck_yeung@dh.gov.hk
Ms TANG Ka Ling, Susanna Sr Systems Mgr(Health Informatics and Technology Office)3 2803 5072 skltang@dh.gov.hk
Mr WONG Man, Eric Sr Systems Mgr(Health Informatics and Technology Office)7 3106 4252 eric_m_wong@dh.gov.hk
Mr KAM Chi Keung, Ivan Sr IT Mgr(Health Informatics and Technology Office)4 2125 2141 ivan_kam@dh.gov.hk
Mr TAM Yat-yung, Allan Sr IT Mgr(Health Informatics and Technology Office)2 3106 4501 allan_yt_tam@dh.gov.hk
Mr WU Wing Wai, Frankie Sr IT Mgr(Health Informatics and Technology Office)4 3106 4501 ww_wu@dh.gov.hk
Department of Justice Mr SIU Yan Kam, Kenneth IT Mgr 3543 5628 kennethsiu@doj.gov.hk
Development Bureau (Planning and Lands Branch) Mr LEUNG Ka Chung Systems Mgr 3579 2282 kcleung@devb.gov.hk
Development Bureau (Works Branch) Mr Alex KK KWOK Systems Mgr (IT) 3509 8735 alexkkkwok@devb.gov.hk
Digital Policy Office Mr WAN Ho Kee, Charles Sr Systems Mgr (CSS)12 3847 7249 chkwan@digitalpolicy.gov.hk
Drainage Services Department Mr NIE Ping Wang, Daniel Systems Mgr/CS 2594 7078 dpwnie@dsd.gov.hk
Mr YU Sing Yeung, Oscar E/CS2 2594 7118 syyu@dsd.gov.hk
Mr HO Chun Kuen, Kent E/CS3 2594 7170 kckho@dsd.gov.hk
Education Bureau Mr CHOU Kai Ming, Vinci Ch Systems Mgr (ITM) 3540 7100 vincichou@edb.gov.hk
Ms LAM Sze Wai, Almas Sr Systems Mgr (ITM1) 3540 7359 almaslam@edb.gov.hk
Ms KO Siu Lan, Sue Sr Systems Mgr (ITM2) 3540 7320 sueko@edb.gov.hk
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Ms KONG Kang Ling, Lucy Systems Mgr/ Regulatory Services 2808 3126 lucykong@emsd.gov.hk
Environment and Ecology Bureau (Environment Branch) (Supported by Environmental Protection Department)
Environment and Ecology Bureau (Food Branch) Ms LAM Nga Yin, Annetta SEO(A) 3509 8769 anylam@eeb.gov.hk
Environmental Protection Department Mr TSUI Kai-wing, Vincent Sr Env Protection Offr (IT) 2835 1723 vincenttsui@epd.gov.hk
Mr KO Long Ting, Ed Env Protection Offr (IT) 1 2835 1841 longtingko@epd.gov.hk
Mr PUN Shu Man ITM(IT) 2835 1967 smpun@epd.gov.hk
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (The Treasury Branch) Ms TANG Yee Ching, Etta Systems Manager 2810 3820 ettatang@fstb.gov.hk
Fire Services Department Mr NG Shiu-kwan Senior Divisional Officer 2733 5830 sdo_ict@hkfsd.gov.hk
Mr Anthony CHAN Senior Systems Manager 2733 7760 ssm_ict@hkfsd.gov.hk
Mr Jimmy TSOI Systems Manager (IDA) 2733 7755 sm_ida_ict@hkfsd.gov.hk
Mr Alice WONG Systems Manager (SFP) 2733 4073 sm_sfp_ict@hkfsd.gov.hk
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Miss CHAN Yuet-ling, Louise Sr Systems Mgr (IT)1 2879 5668 lylchan@fehd.gov.hk
Ms LEE Fung-kwan, Viola Sr Systems Mgr (IT)2 2879 5662 vfklee@fehd.gov.hk
Government Logistics Department Miss KWONG Kin Mui, Kimmie Senior Systems Manager (SA) 2231 5190 ssmsa@gld.gov.hk
Mr TAO Ka Leung, Leo Systems Manager (SA-1) 2231 5906 smsa1@gld.gov.hk
Mr HUI Shun Hong, Vincent Systems Manager (SA-2) 2231 5152 smsa2@gld.gov.hk
Health Bureau Mr TSANG Leung Ming, Eric Systems Mgr (ITM) 3509 8906 elmtsang@healthbureau.gov.hk
Highways Department Mr WONG Kwok-keung, Patrick Systems Mgr/CS 2762 3421 smcs.rnd@hyd.gov.hk
Home Affairs Department Mr MO-YON Wing Chi Systems Mgr 2835 1424 wcmoyon@had.gov.hk
Home and Youth Affairs Bureau Mr TANG Wai Kee, Ricky Systems Manager 3509 8002 rwktang@hyab.gov.hk
Hong Kong Observatory Mr KONG Kai Ho, Alvin Systems Mgr 2926 8356 akhkong@hko.gov.hk
Hong Kong Police Force Mr LAM Fung Chun, Leonard Ch Systems Mgr [IT Branch] 2860 6002 leonardfclam@police.gov.hk
Hongkong Post Mr CHENG Tze Yu, Tony Gen Mgr (ISD) 2921 2134 tony_ty_cheng@hkpo.gov.hk
Housing Bureau (Supported by Housing Department)
Housing Department Ms WOO Ching-yi, Jenny CSM(HD) 2761 6145 jenny.woo@housingauthority.gov.hk
Ms LO Mun-ming, Jessica Senior IT Manager / Development (SITM/D) 2761 6867 jessicamm.lo@housingauthority.gov.hk
Immigration Department Mr KWAN Ying Ch Systems Mgr (TS) 2829 3822 ykwan@immd.gov.hk
Mr MAK Chi Wah, Pierre Sr Systems Mgr (TS)A 2829 3711 pcwmak@immd.gov.hk
Mr CHUNG Chi Man, Roland Sr Systems Mgr (TS)IDT 2829 3511 rcmchung@immd.gov.hk
Mr LAU Kam Man Sr Systems Mgr (TS)B 2829 3321 kmlau@immd.gov.hk
Ms WU Lai Sze, Flora Sr Systems Mgr (TS)C 2294 2162 florawu@immd.gov.hk
Mr LAW Kam Wing, Thomas Sr Systems Mgr (TS)D 2829 3318 thomaskwlaw@immd.gov.hk
Independent Commission Against Corruption Mr YUNG Tat-wo, Walter Principal Investigator 2826 4234 wtwyung@ops.icac.org.hk
Information Services Department Mr WONG, Henley Sr Systems Mgr 2842 8886 henleywong@isd.gov.hk
Mr WONG Tsz Chung, Ben Systems Mgr 2842 8684 benwong@isd.gov.hk
Inland Revenue Department Mr CHUI Yick-kin, Steve Ch Systems Mgr (Inland Revenue) 2594 5099 sykchui@ird.gov.hk
Intellectual Property Department Ms TONG Siu Man, Amy Senior Systems Manager (CM & IT) 2961 6917 amytong@ipd.gov.hk
Miss LEE Ngar Ting, Eden Systems Manager (CM & IT) 2961 6823 edenlee@ipd.gov.hk
Invest Hong Kong Mr CHONG Man Kit Senior Systems Manager 3107 1479 mankitchong@investhk.gov.hk
Mr CHEUNG Cheuk Lim, Tony Mgr, IT (Technology) 3107 1038 tcheung@investhk.gov.hk
Mr LO Siu Hang, Terence Manager, IT (Knowledge Management) 3107 1061 terencelo@investhk.gov.hk
Judiciary Mr WONG Sheung, Quentin Chief Systems Manager (IT) 2886 6800 Quentinswong@judiciary.hk
Mr LAI Pak Cheung, Patrick Senior Systems Manager (1) 2886 5022 patrickpclai@judiciary.hk
Mr WONG Yiu Wah, Edward Senior Systems Manager (2) 2886 6869 edwardywwong@judiciary.hk
Mr WONG Ngai, Ryan Senior Systems Manager (3) 2867 4383 ryannwong@judiciary.hk
Mr LEE Wai Man, Alex Senior Systems Manager (4) 2886 6895 alexwmlee@judiciary.hk
Labour and Welfare Bureau Mr Fong Man Keung, Jeff Systems Mgr (Welfare) 3655 5857 jefffong@lwb.gov.hk
Labour Department Ms LI So Fan, Esther Sr Systems Mgr (ITM) 2852 3771 ssm_itmd@labour.gov.hk
Mr LEUNG Kai-fung, Kim Systems Mgr (ITM)1 2852 3773 sm_itmd_1@labour.gov.hk
Ms YEUNG Yat-man Daisy Systems Mgr (ITM)2 2852 3772 / 3582 8909 sm_itmd_2@labour.gov.hk
Mr YUEN Chun-cheung, Gordon Sr Systems Mgr (SS) 3752 8030 / 3427 2110 ssm_ss@labour.gov.hk
Ms KWOK Mei-kay, Maggie Systems Mgr (SS) 3752 8021 sm_ss@labour.gov.hk
Mr WONG Chi-cheung, Daniel Systems Mgr (GSS)1 3427 2381 sm_gss_1@labour.gov.hk
Ms UY Man-hau, Loretta Systems Mgr (GSS)2 3427 2382 sm_gss_2@labour.gov.hk
Land Registry Mr WONG Cheuk Yin, Cliff Systems Mgr / IT(2) 2867 5257 cliff_cy_wong@landreg.gov.hk
Lands Department Mr Philip Chan Systems Mgr/IT 2231 3770 smit@landsd.gov.hk
Legal Aid Department Mr JONG Yat Sun, Johnson Sr Systems Mgr 2867 2832 jysjong@lad.gov.hk
Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr LEUNG Wai-cheong, Albert Head (IT) 2601 7911 hit@lcsd.gov.hk
Marine Department Mr CHAN Chun-hung, Albert Sr IT Mgr 2348 0155 achchan@mardep.gov.hk
Mr TSANG Tsz-leung IT Mgr (1) 2348 0115 tltsang@mardep.gov.hk
Miss YEUNG Yuk-suen, Trunks IT Mgr (2) 2348 0121 tysyeung@mardep.gov.hk
Mr TON Hsuen Dar-rhung IT Mgr (3) 2307 3644 hdrton@mardep.gov.hk
Office of the Communications Authority Mr CHEN Yung Senior IT Manager 2961 6757 yung-chen@ofca.gov.hk
Official Receiver's Office Mr WONG Lai Kuen, Stephen Senior Systems Manager (ITMU) Ag. 2867 2525 slkwong@oro.gov.hk
Ms LAU Hiu Wa, Hailey Systems Manager (ITMU)1 Ag. 2867 2703 hhwlau@oro.gov.hk
Mr LEE Siu Ho, Daniel Systems Manager (ITMU)2 Ag. 2867 2228 dshlee@oro.gov.hk
Planning Department Mr TSOI Wai Ki, Alex Sr Systems Mgr (Ag.) 2231 4774 awktsoi@pland.gov.hk
Radio Television Hong Kong Mr LAM Kat Hung, Alex Head (ITMU) 2339 7638 lamkha@rthk.hk
Ms Jessica SHUM Head/DMD 3525 0746 shumwh@rthk.hk
Mr LEUNG Chi Wah Head/Engineering 2339 6585 leungcwa@rthk.hk
Mr Stanley TSOI Chief IT Manager 2194 3667 tsoihs@rthk.hk
Mr Tony MAK Senior IT Manager 2194 3670 makwtt@rthk.hk
Rating and Valuation Department Mr TJONG Kin Man, Richard Sr Systems Mgr(CD)ITMU 2150 8706 richardkmtjong@rvd.gov.hk
Mr LAU Man Fai, Newton Sr Systems Mgr(CD)NRR 2150 8707 newtonmflau@rvd.gov.hk
Registration and Electoral Office Dr LEW Shing-fong, Terry Head (ITM) 3847 8083 / 2359 0123 terrylew@reo.gov.hk
Mr CHIU Kwok Chee, Dagan Sr Systems Mgr (IT) 1 2827 7617 dagan_kc_chiu@reo.gov.hk
Mr SHUNG Man-fai, Manfred Sr Systems Mgr (IT) 2 2116 5512 manfred_mf_shung@reo.gov.hk
Mr CHAN Hung-kit Systems Mgr (IT) 1 2609 3578 hk_chan@reo.gov.hk
Mr LI Ka-yeung, Wallace Systems Mgr (IT) 4 2359 0100 / 2893 4462 wallace_ky_lee@reo.gov.hk
Security Bureau Ms YUEN Wai Fan, Julian Sr Systems Mgr (Security) 2867 5968 jwfyuen@sb.gov.hk
Social Welfare Department Mr FUNG Kar Fei, Jeffrey Sr Systems Mgr (IST) 2151 8340 jeffrey_kf_fung@swd.gov.hk
Mr LAU Wai Kwong, Terry Sr Systems Mgr (CSSS) 2528 3918 terry_wk_lau@swd.gov.hk
Trade and Industry Department Mr FOK Kam Sang, Kummy Sr Systems Mgr 2398 5297 kummyfok@tid.gov.hk
Mr LAU Kit Ho, Frederick Systems Mgr 2398 5484 fredericklau@tid.gov.hk
Mr CHAN Kin Kay, Kenny Information Technology Mgr 2398 5478 kennychan@tid.gov.hk
Ms LAW Wing Nam, Rayna EO (Support Services) 2398 5316 raynalaw@tid.gov.hk
Mr LAI Wai Chung, Tommy Systems Mgr (DAP)242 / Digital Policy Office 2398 5295 twclai@digitalpolicy.gov.hk
Transport and Logistics Bureau Ms FUNG Man Yi, Gladys Systems Manager (Transport and Logistics) 3509 7188 gladysfung@tlb.gov.hk
Transport Department Mr WONG Lai-man Senior Engineer/Information Technology 3842 6302 lmwong@td.gov.hk
The Treasury Mr Raymond HO Sr Systems Mgr(IS)1 3847 8638 rclho@try.gov.hk
Ms Shirley TSANG Sr Systems Mgr(IS)2 3847 8618 slstsang@try.gov.hk
Mr PH LAM Sr Systems Mgr(IS)3 3847 8698 phlam@try.gov.hk
Water Supplies Department Mr LO Leung Shing Sr Engr (ITMU) 2829 4427 ls_lo@wsd.gov.hk
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (Student Finance Office) Mr CHAN Tin Pui, William Sr Systems Mgr (ITMU) 2150 7600 wtpchan_sfo@wfsfaa.gov.hk
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (Working Family Allowance Office) Mr Dennis TK SHING Sr Systems Mgr (WFAO) Ag. 3897 1081 dtkshing_wfao@wfsfaa.gov.hk