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Opening Remarks by Mr Daniel Cheung, JP, Deputy Commissioner (Digital Infrastructure), at the “Cyberport University Partnership Programme 2024 Graduation Ceremony” (with photos)

Simon (Mr Simon Chan, Chairman of Cyberport), Rocky (Dr Rocky Cheng, Chief Executive Officer of Cyberport), Karry (Ms Karry Chung, Associate FinTech Director, Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning! It gives me great pleasure to join and celebrate the successful conclusion of the Cyberport University Partnership Programme (CUPP) Web3 2024. I am sure that all of our young friends and participants of the CUPP must have had an incredible journey filled with challenges, inspirations, and entrepreneurial dreams.

Web3.0 is developing in leaps and bounds in recent years. It integrates technologies that have attracted wide attention and has the potential to bring benefits to the economy as well as people’s daily life. The Government is committed to promoting the development of Web3.0 technology and has allocated $50 million to Cyberport to expedite the development of the Web3.0 ecosystem. Apart from establishing the “Web3 Hub@Cyberport” and “Web3 Living Lab” which provide the opportunities for local and overseas Web3.0 companies to demonstrate their solutions and collaborate with each other, Cyberport has also launched the Web3 Proof-of-Concept Subsidy Scheme, providing funding support for companies to realise their ideas from a mere concept to real-life implementation.

To sustain the growth of the Web3.0 ecosystem, a continuous supply of I&T talents and entrepreneurs is crucial. The CUPP has enticed the brilliant minds in our universities to recognise the huge potential of Web3.0. The winning teams today will receive $100,000 in seed funding to help turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality. This seed funding is not just a financial boost, but also a testament to the immense potential the judges see in your ideas, your passion, and your ability to reshape our world. I am filled with a profound sense of pride for every one of you. You have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to harnessing the transformative power of Web3.0 technology to create innovative solutions that would bring in new insights and unlock possibilities for our future.

Today is just the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey. There are a number of accelerator programmes offered by different organisations in Hong Kong providing intensive support that can help bring your company to reach the next stage of growth. For example, Cyberport has recently established the “Web 3.0 Investors Circle”, which aims at strategically attracting and matching investors with high-quality projects, and providing a reliable funding source for start-ups to support their growing fundraising needs.

Ladies and gentlemen, the founder of the Ford car manufacturer, Henry Ford, once said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all our esteemed mentors and partners who have shared their wisdom, experience and guidance in shaping the future of these aspiring entrepreneurs through this programme. I am confident that with the continued commitment and concerted efforts of the Government, industry, academia and our young talents, Hong Kong will become an international I&T hub and this new key engine will drive our economy and society towards high‑quality development.

Last but not least, my warmest congratulations to all CUPP participants for completing the programme. Regardless of whether you have won or not, do keep your enthusiasm in the Web3.0 area and keep exploring new ideas, and you may just be the next unicorns. I wish everyone an enjoyable morning and a nice weekend ahead. Thank you very much.

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